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Gopi Gorantala

Gopi is an engineering leader with 12+ of experience in full-stack development—a specialist in Java technology stack. He worked for multiple startups, the European govt, and FAANG in India and Europe.

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Top 10 programming languages to learn in 2024

Introduction As we step into the arena of 2024, the demand for skilled software programmers continues to surge, and staying ahead of the curve is more crucial than ever. Choosing the right programming language to master can significantly impact your career path. We all know that the pandemic has commenced

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Control Statements In Java

Introduction When you write code or a program, the program executes the blocks in the order they appear from top to bottom. Control flow statements help break up this execution flow by providing decision-making, looping, and branching capabilities. They allow your program to execute specific code blocks conditionally. In other

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Printing To The Console in Java

Introduction Printing something on the console or panel that displays important messages, such as errors, messages, or data outputs, directly for developers. In Java, you can print to the console using the System.out.println() method. Here's a simple example: System.out.println(100); prints 100 on the

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Leetcode 217: Contains Duplicate

This question marks the first problem when working on duplicate data, either integers or strings etc. Companies that have asked this in their coding interview are Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Facebook, and many more top tech companies. Problem statement Given an integer array nums, return true if any

Leetcode 217: Contains Duplicate
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Leetcode 121: Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock

The Best time to buy and sell stock problem is a classic problem that can be solved using the Greedy approach. This is one of the most popular questions asked in such interviews. Companies that have asked this in their coding interview are Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Adobe,

Leetcode 121: Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock
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Blind 75 LeetCode Problems: Detailed Solutions

💡More problems are on the way. Blind 75 is a curated collection of 75 coding problems commonly used by fast-paced startups and the top 1% of companies. List gained popularity among software engineers for tech interviews, especially at Google, Amazon, and Facebook (Meta). Arrays 1. Two Sum 2. Best Time

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Mastering Arrays For Coding Interviews in Java

Arrays are fundamental data structures in computer science and serve as building blocks for complex ones.

Mastering Arrays For Coding Interviews in Java
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Differences Between JDK, JRE, and JVM?

Short answer JDK, JRE, and JVM are essential components of the Java platform, each serving a distinct purpose. Here are the key differences between them: 1. JDK (Java Development Kit): The JDK is used by developers to write, compile, and debug Java code. 2. JRE (Java Runtime Environment): End-users use

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Difference Between String and char[] in Java

Short answer Strings String is an object with many helpful methods. String class in Java's standard library is designed to handle text as a sequence of characters. A string of characters (string object) is non-modifiable or immutable in Java. Once you've created it, you cannot modify

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What is an Object class in Java?

Short answer Object class is the super class of every class you can create. In Java, a class extends another class using the keyword extends. If you don't have any other class to extend, that's fine. The compiler will make your class extend the Object class.