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Gopi Gorantala

Gopi is a software engineer with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in Java-based technology stack and has worked for various startups, the European government, and technology giants.

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Power Of Two (Exercise Problem)

This is an exercise problem for your practice. Try to come up with an approach and solve it by yourself. Good Luck!

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User-Defined Customer Interface (Exercise Problem)

This is an exercise problem for your practice. Try to come up with an approach and solve it by yourself. Good Luck!

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What Are UnaryOperator And BinaryOperator's?

Unary and Binary operators are the other two functional interfaces that most developers are interested in.

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Course Overview: Functional Programming in Java

This course deep-dives into each of the functional programming concepts that got introduced in the Java programming language.

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Introduce Yourself To Java Functional Programming

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BiFunction Interface

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What Is a Predicate Interface In Java?

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What is a Function Interface In Java?

This lesson talks about the third functional interface, which is the Function.

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What is a Supplier Interface in Java?

This lesson talks about the second functional interface, which is the Supplier.

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Different Ways To Create Stream Objects

In this lesson, you will learn how to create streams in different ways with practical examples.