Java Comments
Comments are a way to write notes for our code snippets, and a way to explain how the function/class works.
Java Primitive and Non-primitive Data Types
In this lesson, you will learn about the data types available in Java.
Java Variables and Data Types
This is an introductory lesson on variables or different data types available in Java.
What is Consumer Interface in Java?
This lesson talks about the first functional interface, which is the Consumer.
A Detailed Guide On Java Built-In Functional Interfaces
This lesson details about the various functional interfaces that fall under major 4 categories.
What Are Functional Interfaces in Java? With Examples
This is the introductory lesson on functional interfaces. Introduced in Java SE 8, these are powerful and most useful as either lambdas or method reference can use it.
Introduction To Array Data Structure
This article is an introductory lesson on array data structure with sketches, memory diagrams, strengths, and weaknesses with examples.
What is Declarative Programming? With Examples
In this lesson, you will learn declarative programming and the steps to achieve it. You will also be introduced to some real-world use cases for easy understanding.
What is Immutability in Java Functional Programming?
In this lesson, you will learn how immutability is achieved through functional programming.