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Gopi Gorantala

Gopi is a software engineer with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in Java-based technology stack and has worked for various startups, the European government, and technology giants.

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What are Pure & Impure Functions?

This lesson details pure and impure functions with various examples for understanding.

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What Problems Does Functional Programming Solve in Java?

Functional programming solves almost all of the business use cases OOP solves. In fact, functional programming reduces bugs due to its immutability in nature.

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How Functional Programming is Different From OOP?

In this lesson, you will learn about functional programming and the fundamental differences between object-oriented and functional programming.

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Free Coursera Certificate: For Beginner And Advanced

With over 87 million students registered for upskilling, degrees, and master-track, Coursera is the most trusted learning platform for students.

Free Coursera Certificate
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What is Java? Everything You Need To Know in 2023

LTS Version Release Date Extended support until Java SE 8 18th March 2014 December 2030 for Oracle, November 2026 for Red Hat Java SE 11 25th September 2018 September 2026 for Oracle, September 2026 for Azul, October 2024 for Red Hat Java SE 17 14th September 2021 September 2029 or

What is Java? Everything You Need To Know in 2023
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Getting Started With Streams API

Why are we even using Java Streams API? Isn't Java collections doing the job before Java SE8? You will learn about the importance of functional programming using streams API.

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What are Java Streams?

This is the introductory lesson on Java streams. You will learn why Java introduces streams and how developers can take advantage of them.

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How To Construct An Array-Like Data Structure?

You will learn to implement a custom array-like data structure and basic array operations.

Implement An Array-Like Data Structure
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How To Fix Common Java Errors and Exceptions?

You will be introduced to the most common errors and exceptions in Java. With examples and steps to rectify them. Some tips and suggestions to developers are provided in detail.

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Single Responsibility Principle Examples(4 use cases)

We see some of the real-time software products following the SRP rule.