Introduction to NOT Operator
The Bitwise NOT operator evaluates the binary representation of the value of a single input. If the bit contains 1, the output will be 0 for that bit location. If the bit contains 0, the output will be 1.
Bitwise NOT, Computations, and Examples
Bitwise NOT, takes the input number, considers its binary representation, and inverts every bit, which means the 0 bit becomes 1, and the 1 bit becomes 0.
Introduction to OR Operator
OR operator compares each bit of the first operand to the second operand’s corresponding bit. If both bits are 0, the corresponding result bit is set to 0. Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 1
Challenge 3: Power of 2
We solve by making use of the & operator in computers. There are many ways to solve this, of which two approaches are simple, and one is a more complex but better solution.
Twitter Registration: Single Responsibility Principle
We design Twitter registration software with the help of the single responsibility principle that contains a notification service, database repository, account service, and execution class.
Introduction to Bit Manipulation
In order to ace coding interviews for tech companies, it is necessary to understand Bitwise operators, which are usually fast compared to arithmetic and other math operations.
Switch Sign of a Number
We make use of bit manipulation to solve this problem. using a NOT operator.
Subsets Or Powerset
In subsets or powerset problem, we need to write a program that finds all possible subsets (the power set) of a given input. The solution set must not contain duplicate elements.
Challenge 2: Check If a Given Number is Even/Odd
This is an example of another Bitwise question. Think of the rightmost bit of a number and think of some logic that could solve this.
Counting Bits II
This is an extension to the counting set bits problem, counting the number of set bits or 1's present in a number. In here we see solutions in Java, JavaScript, Cpp, and TypeScript.