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Gopi Gorantala

Gopi is a software engineer with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in Java-based technology stack and has worked for various startups, the European government, and technology giants.

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What is the JVM? With Sketches and Examples

Short answer JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine. JVM is a virtual machine( a piece of software) that executes Java bytecode. It provides a runtime environment for executing Java applications. The above sketch explains how the same bytecode is run across multiple virtual machines on different operating systems. If someone

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What Are Wrapper Classes in Java?

This is the most asked interview question! Why do we use wrapper classes to store data for a model class instead of primitives? What are wrapper classes? Primitive wrappers, also known as wrapper classes, are a set of classes in Java that provide an object representation for the primitive data

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Why Are Wrapper Classes Preferred Over Primitives?

We know a class will have fields and methods to act on them in Java. The key thing about primitive data types is that they store data only. That is very cool, but if we want to do some operations, they cannot provide methods to operate on them. wrapper classes

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📚 Top 10 Books Every Developer Should Read

A developer's journey is always upskilling to the latest tech stack and open-source projects. Pick any software language or framework, and it's all about your efforts to master a skill. Mastering a skill and gaining experience is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and a structured

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Why Do Developers Prefer IntelliJ IDEA Over Other IDE's

IntelliJ IDEA is one of the most popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) available today for Java and Kotlin developers. This IDE makes development more productive and enjoyable. IntelliJ IDEA is the leading Java and Kotlin IDE. Why do developers prefer IntelliJ IDEA? Here are some reasons why IntelliJ IDEA is

Why Do Developers Prefer IntelliJ IDEA Over Other IDE's
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How To Convert String To Integer in Java?

In Java, you can convert a String to a Integer object using valueOf(...) method provided by Integer wrapper. Before diving into String to Integer conversions, if you want to catch up on the basics of primitives and String to int conversions, please check the additional resources section. String to Integer

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How To Convert String To int in Java?

In Java, you can convert a String to a int primitive type using various methods provided by the Java standard library. Before diving into String conversion to primitive types. If you want to catch up on the basics of primitives, please check the additional resources section. To convert a Java

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What Are Java Features?

Java is a widely used, high-level programming language known for its versatility and platform independence. Its robust features suit various applications, from web development to enterprise-level software. Key features The key features collectively contribute to Java's popularity and wide adoption across a diverse range of industries and application

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Java Autoboxing and Unboxing

Java Auto-Boxing and Auto-unboxing are features introduced in Java 5 (JDK 5) to simplify working with primitives and objects. Wrapper classes are all final, so once created, you cannot alter the underlying value. They are immutable. Autoboxing and unboxing use value copy. There are no shared values or references. Every

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Java SOLID Design Principles

SOLID Principles Introduction to SOLID Design Principles Single Responsibility Principle Introduction to the SRP Strengths & Weaknesses Example: Twitter Registration SRP: Few More Examples

SOLID Design Principles