Introduction to Number Systems
A number system is a writing system where digits and symbols are used in a consistent manner to represent values. The exact sequence of symbols may represent different numbers in different number systems.
What is Bit Manipulation?
Bit manipulation is algorithmically manipulating bits or other pieces of data shorter than a word. Bit manipulation is something that has constant time complexity.
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Introduction to SOLID Design Principles
SOLID is an acronym for the first five Object-Oriented design (OOD) principles by Robert C. Martin.
What is Java?
Java is both a programming language and a platform. Java's WRITE ONCE and RUN ANYWHERE is just too strong. Java is sleeker, faster, and much more powerful today.

How To Create Spring Boot Project using Spring Starter Kit
Let us learn to create a Spring Boot project from scratch using two approaches, and let us add a greeting message that shows up on the webpage

Grab Your Free IntelliJ Idea/JetBrains License 🤩
Jetbrains offers free licenses for most of the categories. Get all of the below tools for free from JetBrains Here is a set of lists qualifying for a free ultimate JetBrains pack with unlimited access to features. 🤑 Free for who? 1. Students, teachers and Educators. 2. Open Source Contributors. 3.

Array Insertions And Shifting Algorithm
In this lesson, you will learn about an array of insertion and shifting algorithms with illustrations and code examples.
How to Prevent cannot read property split of undefined
The "cannot read property split of undefined" error occurs when we try to call the split() method on a variable that stores an undefined value.

How to master react, continuous deployment using Netlify
React is one of the most popular libraries in the frontend world. Being a backend developer for over 10 years, I agree. I started with React 4 years ago and found it incredible 😅. And there is no reason for me to switch. Developers, you can buy some paid courses online