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Arrays Course

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Solution Review: Missing Number

We solved the problem using lookup (hashtable), using the mathematical formula. Let's solve this more efficiently using bit-level operations with XOR and then optimize the solution.

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Solution Review: Single Number

Single Number coding question, can be easily solved with XOR bitwise technique with linear time complexity.

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Challenge 1: Single Number

In this lesson, every element appears twice except one element. We solve this using naive, and then we move to solve it more optimally using XOR operator.

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Find Odd Occurring Element

In this coding question, we find the odd-appearing element using bitwise xor. This algorithm is simple yet powerful.

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How to reverse the letters in a string in Java

In this article, we'll learn various ways to reverse strings in Java. An algorithmic approach with a flow chart and steps. Using java API methods to solve this problem and rotate kth elements or characters in an array.

Reverse String
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Subsets Or Powerset

In subsets or powerset problem, we need to write a program that finds all possible subsets (the power set) of a given input. The solution set must not contain duplicate elements.

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Array Insertions And Shifting Algorithm

In this lesson, you will learn about an array of insertion and shifting algorithms with illustrations and code examples.

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Leetcode 896: Monotonic Array

An array is called monotonic if the index of each element increases from the first to the last or decreases from the first to the last.

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Find The Missing Number From The Array

In this article, we'll learn various ways to find the missing number in an array. We use a memoization approach, a mathematical approach, and the most optimized way using the XOR operator.

Find Missing Number