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Data Structures and Algorithms

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Solution Review: Missing Number

We solved the problem using lookup (hashtable), using the mathematical formula. Let's solve this more efficiently using bit-level operations with XOR and then optimize the solution.

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Solution Review: Single Number

Single Number coding question, can be easily solved with XOR bitwise technique with linear time complexity.

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Challenge 1: Single Number

In this lesson, every element appears twice except one element. We solve this using naive, and then we move to solve it more optimally using XOR operator.

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Hamming Distance

Hamming distance talks about two integers where the bit positions where the corresponding bits are different.

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Detect If Two Integers Have Opposite Signs

In this question, input two numbers and detect if they have opposite signs. We solve using bitwise XOR operator

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Find Odd Occurring Element

In this coding question, we find the odd-appearing element using bitwise xor. This algorithm is simple yet powerful.

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Swap Two Numbers

In this coding question, we input two numbers and swap them without using the swapping logic.

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Bitwise XOR, Computations, and Examples

A Bitwise XOR is a binary operation that takes two-bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical exclusive OR operation on each corresponding bits pair. Each position’s result is 0 if both bits are 0 or if both bits are 1. Otherwise, the result is 1.

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Introduction to XOR

The Bitwise XOR operator is denoted by ^. When an XOR gate is given with 2 inputs, the corresponding outputs will be: If two input bits are different, the output is 1. In all other cases, it is 0.

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Solution Review: Power of 2

Let's solve this using brain kernighan's algorithm. This is optimized to O(1) time and space.