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Java Functional Programming with Lambdas and Streams API

Java 8 is bundled with massive features and improvements to the JDK, JRE and more. It introduced functional programming in Java.

Gopi Gorantala
Gopi Gorantala
1 min read

Table of Contents

Course Overview

In this course, you will learn Java functional programming.

This is one of the most important/critical topics when someone starts preparing for coding interviews for FAANG/startup companies.

To kick things off, you’ll start by learning about functional programming and functional interfaces. Then you’ll learn about the core features such as lambda expressions, method references, and streams API.

Throughout, you will get tons of hands-on experience working through practice problems to help sharpen your understanding. By completing this course, you can apply functional programming at work and in interviews. 

What do you get?

↦ 60 lessons were categorized based on topics

↦ 5+ challenges.

↦ 30+ Illustrations and sketches.

↦ 300+ code snippets.

GitHub repository - Streams API

Takeaway skills

  1. Master functional programming.
  2. Practice problems on lambdas, method references, and streams API.
Estimated Time: 14 hrs to complete.
Getting Started
  1. Who is this course for?
  2. Introduce yourself to functional programming
  1. Grab your FREE IntelliJ Idea/JetBrains license 🤩
Functional Programming
  1. What are programming pParadigms?
  2. What is imperative programming?
  3. What is declarative programming?
  4. Introduction to functional programming
  5. What problems does functional programming solve in Java?
  6. What are pure & impure functions?
  7. What is immutability?
  8. Interfaces, types of interfaces
Functional Interfaces
  1. What is a functional interface?
  2. Built-in functional interfaces
  3. Consumer interface
  4. Supplier interface
  5. Function interface
  6. Predicate interface
  7. BiFunction interface
  8. UnaryOperator and BinaryOperator
  9. Exercise Problem: User-defined Consumer interface
  10. Exercise Problem: Power of two
Lambda Expressions
  1. What are lambda expressions?
  2. How to write lambda expressions?
  3. Scope of variables in lambda expressions
  4. Scope of methods in lambda expressions
  5. Scope of anonymous Classes in lambda expressions
  6. Sorting objects
  7. Integer operations
Method References
  1. What are method references?
  2. Different kinds of method references
  3. A) Reference to a static method
  4. B) Reference to the instance method of an object
  5. C) Reference to the instance method of a class
  6. D) Reference to a constructor
  7. Exercise Problem
Getting Started With Streams API
  1. What Are Java Streams?
  2. Getting started with Streams API
  3. How does Streams API work?
  4. Different ways to create stream objects
  5. Sequential vs Parallel streams
  6. Exercise Problem
  7. Quiz
  1. What are filters?
  2. TakeWhile And DropWhile
  3. FindFirst And FindAny
  4. Matches
This Course is in-progress, it will be live and available soon.

Gopi Gorantala Twitter

Gopi is a software engineer with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in Java-based technology stack and has worked for various startups, the European government, and technology giants.
