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Memory Allocation: Stack vs. Heap

Gopi Gorantala
Gopi Gorantala
2 min read

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Understanding where and how primitive types are stored in memory is crucial for writing efficient Java programs. Java uses two main types of memory allocation: stack and heap.

Memory allocations

Stack Memory

What is the Stack?

The stack is a region of memory that stores local variables and method calls. It's organized in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) manner.

Primitive Types and the Stack:

    • Primitive variables are stored directly on the stack.
    • This means that the actual value of the primitive type is held in the stack memory.
    • Accessing data on the stack is very fast because the stack operates in a predictable and organized manner.
public class StackExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int number = 10;    // Stored on the stack
        double price = 99.99; // Stored on the stack
        boolean isJavaFun = true; // Stored on the stack


| isJavaFun: true |
| price: 99.99    |
| number: 10      |

Heap Memory

What is the Heap?

The heap is a larger region of memory used for dynamic memory allocation. Objects and arrays are stored here. Unlike the stack, the heap is not organized in a strict order, allowing for more flexible memory usage.

Reference Types and the Heap:

Reference variables (like objects and arrays) store references (memory addresses) to data located on the heap.While primitive types are stored directly on the stack, reference types use the stack to hold their references pointing to the actual data on the heap.

public class HeapExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = "Alice"; // Reference stored on the stack, actual String on the heap
        int[] scores = {90, 85, 95}; // Reference on stack, array on heap
        for(int score : scores) {
            System.out.print(score + " ");


| scores -> [90,85,95] |
| name -> "Alice"      |

[ "Alice" ]
[ 90, 85, 95 ]

Why This Matters

  1. Performance:
    1. Accessing data on the stack is faster due to its organized nature.
    2. Primitive types benefit from this speed, making operations involving them more efficient.
  2. Memory Management:
    1. The stack is limited in size, suitable for storing small, temporary variables.
    2. The heap is larger and used for storing objects that need to persist beyond the scope of a single method.
  3. Garbage Collection:
    1. Objects on the heap are managed by Java's garbage collector, which frees up memory when objects are no longer referenced.
    2. Primitive types on the stack are automatically cleaned up when they go out of scope.

Why Use Primitive Types?

Choosing the right data type is crucial for writing efficient and effective Java programs. Here’s why primitive types are important:

  1. Efficiency: Primitive types consume less memory and are faster to process compared to their wrapper class counterparts (e.g., int vs. Integer).
  2. Simplicity: They provide a straightforward way to handle basic data like numbers, characters, and boolean values without the complexity of objects.
  3. Predictable Memory Usage: Fixed sizes ensure that memory consumption is consistent and predictable, aiding in optimizing performance.
  4. Performance Optimization: In performance-critical applications, using primitive types can lead to significant speed improvements.
Java Types

Gopi Gorantala Twitter

Gopi is a software engineer with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in Java-based technology stack and has worked for various startups, the European government, and technology giants.


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